Reception Catering

reception catering services

Our sophisticated and delectable wedding reception catering services at The Great Spoon (TGS) guarantee that your celebration will be just as special as your vows. We create a menu that matches your style and heightens the joy of your reception, from elegant appetisers to a full-course meal and rich desserts. Our reception catering services provide a flawless dining experience that makes a lasting impression on you and your guests with their outstanding service and attention to detail. Allow us to enhance your special day with exquisite cuisine that accentuates the allure of your wedding reception.

Tips to Organize Reception Catering Services

1 Establish an Explicit Budget:

Establish your overall budget first, then set aside particular sums for important expenses like the location, catering, entertainment, and décor.
Stick to these limits to avoid overspending.

2 Prioritize Spending:

Identify the most important aspects of the event, whether it’s the food, venue, or entertainment, and focus your budget on those areas. Cut back on non-essential extras.

3 Select an Inexpensive Location:

Go for a location that suits your budget, such as parks, community centres, or even gatherings at home. Making reservations at off-peak hours might also lower expenses.

4 Make the Menu Simpler:

Provide a smaller but superior selection of foods, or think about buffet-style catering, which can be less expensive than plating. Cut back on pricey ingredients and concentrate on locally grown, in-season produce.

5 DIY Decorations:

Save on decor by creating simple, stylish DIY decorations. Take inspiration from online tutorials and concentrate on making unique, artistic touches without going over budget.

6 Negotiate with Vendors:

Don’t hesitate to negotiate with vendors for better rates or package deals. Tell them just how much you can afford and enquire if they may modify their offerings to fit it.

7 Limit the Guest List:

A smaller guest list means fewer expenses for catering, seating, and space.  Just invite those who are really necessary in order to minimise expenses.

8 Use Digital Invitations:

To save money on printing and shipping, choose digital invitations rather than printed ones. Online, there are a tonne of chic, cost-effective, and free options.

9 Track Expenses:

During the planning phase, pay special attention to every expense. Spreadsheets and budgeting tools can be used to track expenses and make necessary adjustments.

10Choose Minimal Entertainment:

Rather than bringing in a number of performers, think about playing well selected playlists or enlisting the help of a friend who is a skilled DJ. Less expensive entertainment options might nevertheless keep people interested.